Christianity is founded on the law of grace or forgiveness, and the belief that the Christ in each person is his/her redeemer and salvation. Christians believe that Jesus Christ, that is, the Truth made manifest, in his teaching ministry was charged with the mission of establishing this principle for the benefit of humanity, as the …
The principle of “Faith and Works” is inextricably connected with the principle of “loving one’s neighbour as oneself” and is crucial to Christians. This issue was dealt with by Paul, a Roman citizen who was converted to Christianity on or around the fourth century AD. Paul played an important role in influencing the Roman elite …
The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), established in 2001, and its full acceptance in Trinidad Tobago by the legal fraternity, still remains a burning issue that the leadership elite finds itself refusing or unable to deal with. The irony of the situation is clear to all because Trinidad and Tobago remains the headquarters of the …
A response to the homily of Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Trinidad and Tobago delivered on Ash Wednesday 2020 Anyone who accepts and recognises that Trinidad and Tobago society is now in serious crisis will welcome the powerful, honest, moving and enlightening homily delivered by Archbishop Jason Gordon. He made the remarks during the commemorative …